Thursday, June 17, 2010

Do you have a minute please?

A patient of mine today complained about “relaxation techniques”. That these techniques had in fact become another chore, another thing to add to the “things to do today” list. I commiserated with her, it is in fact no longer a relaxation technique if you don’t feel you have time. But if you have a minute, I can help you…….
The One Minute Meditation:
Find a place where you can sit down quietly and comfortably.
Close your eyes.
Allow your belly to go soft.
Choose a word/ phrase that has meaning to you or a calming effect on you, such as “relax”, “breathe” or “take your time”
Now, as you breathe in and out repeat your chosen word slowly in your head.
When your attention drifts, just bring it back. It is perfectly normal and acceptable for your attention to drift during meditation. This is part of the meditation!